
Remodeling project in San Mateo, CA

Cecilia and Martin purchased a new house in San Mateo that was in dire need of a remodel. He found our company, Inspired Builders, online and gave us a call. We went out to take a look at the property and meet with Martin to discuss his vision for the project.

We knew that this was going to be a big undertaking, but we were up for the challenge. We started by tearing out all fixtures in the bathrooms and removed the carpet throughout the house. We then completely rebuilt the shower from scratch using custom tile and stone work. We also installed new luxury vinyl flooring throughout the house.

The project took just under two months to complete and the results were amazing. Martin now had a house that was much more functional and aesthetically pleasing. The value of his property had also increased significantly.

The homeowners were extremely satisfied with our work and has since recommended us to his friends and family. If you’re looking for a company that can provide you with top-quality remodeling services, look no further than Inspired Builders Inc. Contact us today to get started on your next project!

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