
San Jose House Remodel: Complete Overhaul for Increased Storage and Property Value


Our team recently completed a full house remodel for a client in Willow Glen, San Jose. The property type was a house and the customer name was Emily. The project duration was under three months and the client was referred to us by her family member.

The parts of the house that were updated included the floorplan, cabinets, appliances, and countertops. The floorplan type was an island and the cabinets were shaker style. The countertops were granite and the flooring was hardwood. The lighting was undercabinet and pendant.

The problem that the client was facing was an outdated look and insufficient storage space. The solution that we provided was a complete overhaul of the entire space.

Some challenges that we faced during the project included keeping the bathroom functional during the remodel. However, we were able to overcome these challenges and achieve great results.

The results of the project included more storage space and increased property value. The client was very satisfied with our service and was happy with the final outcome.

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