
Kitchen Remodeling in San Carlos: Getting the job done.


Myri and Gabriel were referred to us by an online search for a kitchen remodel in San Carlos. They had recently bought a house and were looking to update the kitchen. They wanted enlarge the kitchen and to add an island.
We worked with them to create a design that would fit their needs and budget. Myri, along with our designer selected a unique backsplash, shaker cabinets and quartz countertops. We also installed new undercabinet, pendant, and recessed lighting.

The project took just under three months to complete. We faced some challenges along the way, but ultimately achieved the results our clients were looking for. They were very happy with the final product and enjoyed working with us throughout the process.

If you’re considering a kitchen remodel, we encourage you to give us a call. We provide a competitive estimate for any project. We’d be happy to help you create the kitchen of your dreams! call us today for a free estimate 699-800-9899

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