
Kitchen and Bathrooms Remodel in Campbell, California


A kitchen and bathroom remodel can be a daunting task. For our most recent project, we had the pleasure of working with Jerry, who was referred to us by an online search. Jerry’s home in Campbell, California, was in dire need of an update. The entire space was outdated and didn’t provide enough storage for the customer needs.

We started by completely gutting the kitchen and bathroom. This included removing a load-bearing wall to create an open concept. We then updated the floorplan, cabinets, appliances, countertops, flooring and lighting. For the cabinets, we chose shaker style doors in a light wood finish. The countertops are quartz and the flooring is hardwood. We added pendant and recessed lighting for a more modern look.

The biggest challenge we faced during the project was plumbing issues. However, we were able to overcome this and complete the project successfully. The results are a more functional and aesthetically pleasing space with more storage. Jerry is extremely happy with the results of the kitchen and bathroom remodel and has already recommended us to friends and family. If you are looking for a reliable company that can handle any challenges during the remodeling process- do not hesitate to give us a call! 669-800-9899.

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